Welcome to My Page

I would like to say "Thank You" to a great friend who inspired me to write again.....thanks for enjoying my work GR....

Im here to create an outstanding web-page; fun and exciting....So my sons have something to keep close to their hearts.

I have always enjoyed writing stories, poems, and non-fiction...completely based on my own nature/nurture enviroment.

I have so many different pieces lying around...so it will be TERRIFIC to finally have them all in one place.

If you have questions or suggestions...please feel free to comment!

BY the way, if you post a comment you feel is one I will reply to, and dont...send me an email...this site screws up a lot!

5mos old here....(birth weight 5lbs 1oz)

5mos old here....(birth weight 5lbs 1oz)
He was so Tiny....


14 yo in here...getting wrestling physical

The Only Good Men

The Only Good Men
Just like their Uncles' Beecher, Mike, and Chuck

1 hour old...13.3oz...Natural

1 hour old...13.3oz...Natural
He sucked his thumb IMMEDIATELY

Dyllyn Now.....

Dyllyn Now.....
He is in Sedona, AZ

If You Could Pick 1 Charity...what would it be

About Me

My photo
Queen Creek:Copper Basin, SouthEastern AZ, United States
I'm 36, mother of 2 boys, and a crazy dog. We come from a HUGE family in South Eastern NC and SC; We're all mixed in creativity, some conservative, and some librals..so theres always something exciting and grand to write about


Kissi eating "aminal" crackers

Me 35yo

Me 35yo
Halloween Superstore...Indian Shopping in September
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For the Love of FDB

You came to me by fate one day,
Your smile made me blush
There were butterflies in my belly:
Making quite a fuss.

Your manly stature, but innocent ways made my heart have palputations...
And when you speak of "in common things"
I was filled with satisfaction!

Persistant lil devil you..You knew exactly what you wanted...and you didnt care that within our lives...we may be living them as haunted...

The pain, the torture, the ridicule, that each ex-lovers possesed...
Would be just another stepping stone to encourage much less stress!

You pushed us together dear, and pushed the garbage out,
You layed a new foundation: No more hurts, scournings, or shouts.

Just devotion, respect, and happiness,
Snuggles, Family, and Love
The magnificant man you are my sweet, is like an Angel from above.

I love you with all that I am and more...I never knew I could be
You showed me how to forgive and live; lift my chin up and keep being me.

Words are simple when passing my lips, Thank you just isnt enough...
I hope I give you in return humble-warmth through my touch.

My promises will always be kept;
My words will always be soft;
My heart will only grow bigger;
And My soul will rise to Lofts. 
The rest as they say is history, the heart can take so much.....
to be just any ones something, to some ones everything through touch....
So I can tell you good bye now, and never have to lQQk back...
and no with out regret my sweet I wouldve offered you more than a shack

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Dyllyn and I in June 09

Dyllyn and I in June 09
@ Wet N Wild

Cheers......Wet N Wild

Cheers......Wet N Wild

On our Way to Las Vegas

On our Way to Las Vegas
they were sooo excited

Hoover Dam

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